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Green Mango Salad


Take 1 Mango and remove the skin. Shred the mango traditionally with using a knife, and chopping the mango vertically. Slice section of the mango that has been chopped as finely as possible, you can see that the mango are shredded in fine pieces. Once you have sliced up all the top pieces, repeat the process again. Chop 1 tbs of Onion and chop 1 chili. In a small bowl, add 1 tsp of shrimp paste and 2-3 tbsp of sugar. I add only 2 tbs because I like my mango salad sour. You will need 3 tbsp of fish sauce, mix together until the sugar is dissolved, and then add the chili and the onion and mix again to incorporate the ingredients. Add the mixture into the bowl of shredded mango and then mix the mango together with the sauce. Top with crushed toasted peanuts or ground toasted sticky rice.