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How To Trim An Artichoke


Step 1: Cut the Top

Start with a clean, dry artichoke. Holding the artichoke but the stem, cut off the top portion where the leaves are bunched tightly together so that you expose the middle part, which will allow the entire artichoke to cook evenly.1

Step 2: Trim the Leaves

Cut off the top of each leaf. All the leaves of an artichoke contain thorns on the end, which will hurt when you try to eat it. Hold onto the stem as you rotate the artichoke while you use your cooking shears to trim the leaves.1

Step 3: Chop off the Stem

Finish by cutting the stem off. If you're grilling the artichoke, you can leave it on, but if you're steaming or baking it, cutting the stem off allows the artichoke to stand on its own. Cut just below the last layer of leaves.