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Mango Pickle Aavakai


1. Wash and dry Mangoes.
2. Remove seed and cube Mangoes with a shape knife.
3. Wash and completely dry Garbanzo Beans.
4. Spread Mangoes and Garbanzo Beans on a tray, cover with thin cloth and allow them to dry overnight.
5. Next day, mix dry spices in a bowl Salt, Turmeric, Asafoetida, Mustard Seed Powder, Coriander Powder, Red Chili Powder, Kashmiri Chili Powder and Fenugreek Seed Powder.
6. Add Mangoes and Garbanzo Beans. Mix well.
7. Add Sesame Oil, mix, cover and set bowl out in the sun for about 20 days. Mix daily.
8. Transfer to clean, dry jar and store at room temperature or refrigerator.
9. Enjoy over the next few months.


1. Use Kashmiri Chili Powder to make a mild pickle.
2. Skip the Garbanzo Beans and the pickle will be ready in 12 days.
3. Oil should be floating on top to prevent spoilage.